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Overcoming Social Anxiety is Pretty Easy When You Know What It Is!



Overcome social anxiety is pretty easy when you know what it is!

Some people are afraid of interacting with other people. This fear is not a normal situation, and it is called social anxiety. We should be able to identify this situation correctly when it happens to those we care about. It’s necessary to overcome social anxiety and help from outside sources may be needed.

What Causes Social Anxiety? – Before having a look at how to overcome social anxiety

There are many reasons for social anxiety. The bad experiences received in the past include childhood traumas, negative beliefs regarding social interactions, dysfunctional behavioral patterns, and social insecurities. Social anxiety can also be genetically transmitted. Sometimes, social anxiety happens due to neural damage that has occurred in the brain. Additionally, social anxiety is caused by long-term working with technology without having regular interpersonal interactions, and due to physical triggers such as bullying.

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How to track whether you have this condition or not?

We can see many symptoms of a person suffering from social anxiety. These symptoms include physical issues such as blushing, heart rate increase, sweating, trembling, stomachaches, blank mind, and muscle pains.

How to Deal with Social Anxiety at School?

You may have seen children who are struggling to pay attention to lessons in a classroom. Anxiety could be the main reason that leads to this situation. Children show their anxiety related to school in many ways. In some cases, a child who refuses to go school causes disruptive behavior to their classmates, cries in a classroom is reluctant to answer the teacher’s questions, takes false illnesses, and visits the sickroom more often, may show anxiety symptoms.

Teachers should be more concerned when dealing with these children. The attendance of these students having anxiety is comparatively less than those without. And the attention they pay to lessons is less. Therefore, these students have to be motivated and encouraged more often to reduce this imbalance. Teachers can manage these students because they seldom cooperate with other students in group work and other classroom activities.

Moreover, teachers can embrace proper mental health habits and routines inside classrooms. Teachers should always encourage students to talk and express their emotions rather than hiding them. They should start to trust their teacher. Teachers should always adopt positive attitudes over those students in the classroom. That helps students to get motivated. Teachers need to pay more attention to development of interpersonal skills of the students. When you find a student having social anxiety, they should be guided with relaxation techniques to calm down.

How to deal with social anxiety at work?

The work station is a challenging environment for everybody, unlike educational institutes. Therefore, we can find our colleagues suffering from social anxiety caused by work environments. Sometimes, it is difficult to deal with those workmates, but we have to understand their situation. You may have seen your colleagues who are reluctant to present in front of others, who speak less when many people are around, who find it challenging to do work when others are watching, and are shy to participate in social activities.

These fears usually are effects of past experiences, especially at home and in schools. Therefore, overcoming these fears is in their own hands. But the others should make a workspace comfortable for a colleague who has social anxiety. They should be motivated to push themselves forward, help regularly, and praise them when they are doing well. We should guide them to be well-prepared for activities like presentations. Colleagues should always be supported to tackle their strengths rather than their weaknesses.

Colleagues with social anxiety should not be isolated but welcomed to groups. Then they can build trust in others and get motivated to deal with others. When we treat them well, the social anxiety that reduces their confidence decreases.

Why should we overcome anxiety?

Social anxiety reduces confidence. It can take away many golden opportunities from your world. It can kill your happiness. Therefore, you must overcome social anxiety. As we have already mentioned, bad experiences in the past and negative feelings are the main reasons for social anxiety. Why do we let our past to control our present and future?

Justin Weeks, an assistant professor in psychology at Ohio University, states that “For some people, social anxiety is pretty pervasive.” We have to agree with that statement since we have experienced it with our colleagues at schools and work. As per his idea, social anxiety is a fear to be evaluated. So don’t you think it is essential for us to start talking about this topic?

Let us see how to overcome social anxiety.

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Overcoming Social Anxiety Step by Step

There are several measures one can follow if they find that they are suffering from social anxiety. But, the primary action is confirming that you have social anxiety.

Find out what situations you should avoid.

Now you all know that social anxiety is an issue that affects our behavioral patterns. When you feel a dislike of going on social events and move on with your mates, you feel less confident to talk in front of a group of people, When you realize that you have a lack of words you can identify that there is an issue. So, an initial thing you can do to help yourself overcome anxiety is to understand the situations you avoid as a person.

Rank your Fears

Rank the fears according to their nature. This means that you should put your fears in order. When you rank, these fears give the lowest ranking to what you are afraid of the least. Give the highest ranking to what you are scared of more, and which causes panic attacks. Then you can go for a measure to overcome social anxiety by analyzing what you should initially do.


Prediction is something essential to overcome social anxiety. When you rank your fears, you will identify how long you can continue those fears. Prediction is assuming how long is the fear would remain and what its effects would be. When you do a forecast, it helps to get precautions to control social anxiety. Just imagine a situation like a presentation in front of your work colleagues. When you identify your fear of talking in front of a group of people and predicting its effects, you can practice your presentation well and organize yourself. Therefore, predictions always support you in overcoming social anxiety. But you should identify the right feelings. It could help you to find what you are terrified of rather than what you worry more about.

Eliminate the behaviors that you take as safety measures!

Yes, this is mandatory. When you practice safety behaviors to avoid social interactions, you will get addicted to those measures. Just think of a person who gets drunk to meet up with colleagues since he does not have the confidence to do it otherwise because of anxiety. Then there is a high tendency for him to get addicted to alcohol to overcome those situations. So, it is essential to eliminate such safety behaviors when you are on your way to overcoming anxiety.

Challenge yourself!

As you already know, anxiety affects your confidence. When you feel reluctant to be in front of people, talk with colleagues, and participate in social activities, you realize that you have lost faith. But you should be aware of what happens and when it happens. Do not let your thoughts control you. It would be best if you manage your thoughts instead. When you feel afraid, when you feel less confident, challenge yourself, and remind your inner thoughts, you can do it.

Keep up practicing!

Practice is a tool to overcome social anxiety. When you realize that you have social anxiety and what you can do to control an embarrassing situation, practice any way you can adopt to overcome social anxiety. When you practice more, you will be able to face it more confidently than before.

Reward yourself!

Self-rewarding is the last but not least step you can follow to overcome anxiety. Rewarding is like giving a gift to yourself. Rewarding can enhance your confidence. When you handle a situation well, you can reward and congratulate yourself for doing it well by controlling your anxious feelings. It automatically motivates you to overcome social anxiety.

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Social Anxiety Disorder Medication

Drugs used to treat anxiety are called anxiolytics. Doctors commonly use Antidepressants to treat the symptoms of social phobia. Symptoms usually subside after four weeks of treatment.

They use some over-the-counter “relaxation” drinks containing central nervous system neurotransmitters and hormones etc., without efficiency.

We hope you now got a good idea of what causes social anxiety, how to deal with it, and how to overcome social anxiety. Be confident and encouraged. Do not let social anxiety kill your happiness.

Read our articles about anxiety, and depression,

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If you need professional counseling with a licensed therapist – Get matched easily with a licensed, board-accredited counselor today. More than 3000 therapists with 38 million+ counseling sessions are ready to help you on BetterHelp.

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I'm Sam, The main writer for So basically I'm a pretty simple person who loves to write about motivation, success, net worth and many to ensure the quality of people's life.

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How Social Media Causes Depression And Anxiety – The Dark Side Of Social Media




How Social Media Causes Depression And Anxiety - The Dark Side Of Social Media

Most of us feel a sense of freedom when spending time on social media networks in our leisure time. Are you also a social media user that spends too much time on electronic devices?

Then here is the scientific reasoning behind all the feelings and behaviour you experience while using social media. So, let’s get to know the dark side of social media.

Modern Life With Social Media

Nowadays, technological advancements have made our lives so much easier and faster. We seek technology to distract ourselves from our competitive and complicated lifestyles.In this case, social media is a significant culprit.

As we all know, it became an excellent platform to share our lives. Like any new technological development, social media gives rise to both positive and negative experiences.That may be happiness, joy, sadness, loneliness, or even anger.

Each popular social media platform has its unique qualities like interactivity, easy to catch up on, and also well-fixed to imaginary lifestyles. Here are some popular social media platforms that we all know with approximate numbers of users in the United State (US):

  • Facebook – 255 million users
  • Twitter – 36 million users
  • Instagram – 130 million users
  • Snapchat –46 million users
  • Tumblr – 32.6 million users
  • Reddit – 26.4 million users
  • YouTube – 126 million viewers

However, these platforms play a major role in entertaining and inspiring people, especially at a young age.

The Role Of Social Media With Mental Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 10-20% of children and adults in the US are affected by mental health problems. The alarming fact here is that 50% of these problems emerge by the age of 14 to 18. Most commonly, anxiety and depression symptoms are noticeable among young people.

This is calculated as a 70% increase over the past 25 years. The most applicable and related reason may be an addiction to digital media platforms like social media, video games, and websites. According to US research findings, there is an association between social media and mental health problems.

This is a growing concern and researchers are working hard to find the impact of digital technology on mental health.

The possible mental issues associated with social media are;

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Physiological distress
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Emotional well-being
  • Low self-esteem
  • Fear
  • Different types of social phobias

Reasons For Mental Health Problems

Numerous studies have focused on the impact of social interaction on mental health issues within the US population. The astonishing point was the total number of suicide cases per year is over 40,000 within the United States with most of the cases being related to depression and anxiety symptoms.

So, the public health institutions in the US focused on different arguments to understand the cause of depression. Their studies led to the same conclusion, social media addiction.

In 2017, a systematic review was conducted by Primack and a few other researchers concluding that social media has a direct influence on mental health problems.

Social media usage can be categorized into four groups.

  • Time spent
  • Activity
  • Investment
  • Addiction

Time Spent And Activities On Social Media

Unlike the olden days, now, we have the chance to access social media through smartphones and tablets. So, this accessibility increases the time spent on social network sites significantly. Psychologists have noticed a relationship between time spent on the internet and the increase of mental health issues.

On average, 90% of the young population in the US are using social media day and night. There was an evaluation forum for social media usage in the US in 2020. The forum says that each social media user habitually visits these digital platforms at least once a day with an average of approximately 2 hours and 24 min per day by a single user on different social media apps.

But in most cases, this value can vary according to the preferred group of people. As an example, the highest average time spent on social media is for the age group between 16-24 which goes up to 3 hours per day. The shocking report is the estimated value of spending time on social media by a single person within his/her lifetime.

On average it will be near to 6 years and 8 months. But for sure, activating several social media platforms at a younger age may improve multitasking ability. But it can also cause negative consequences like poor academic performance, reduced attention span, decreased level of well being, high level of anxiety, and depression.

Relationship of social media with mental health

We all need to talk to someone especially when we are sad. From experience, we know that socially connecting with others can relieve our stress, loneliness and anxiety. That brings back happiness, joy, and boosts one’s self-value of life.

But the problem is searching for happiness solely from digital media and disregarding the real world. One study was conducted to scientifically evaluate the relationship between social media use time and mental health stability in the US population.

The study shows that depression and suicide deaths became a more widespread problem among American adolescents, especially among women after 2010. The researchers evaluated young adolescence in the US as two sets. Individuals that spend more time on social media and electronic devices and those that spend more time on non-screen activities such as exercise, sports and have in-person social interactions.

The results show that symptoms related to depression were higher in the group who spent more time on social media while the other group who prefer outdoor activities showed a negative interrelationship with depressive symptoms.

Thus, the truth is social media has different uses within the community. That said, it can never replace the real-world experiences of people.

Steps to control social media addiction

Here are a few tricks to control social media usage which can improve your mental wellbeing and bring happiness to your everyday life.

  • Reduction of social media time

In 2018, a study led by Pennsylvania State University found that social media time reduction to 30 minutes can considerably improve the mental health of people. That can also recover your mood and focus you in an upright way. Tracking your time spent on social media may surprise you. Being away from a phone, tablet, or laptop for a certain time may release pressure in a stressful mind.

  • Change your focus points

Keeping realistic targets to achieve in life may change your focus on social media. That may save time and avoid being addicted to it.

  • Spend more time amongst nature and the real world

Saving a few minutes of a busy day to spend time with the nature around you will make you more relaxed. Additionally, spending time with family, offline friends, or maybe your neighbour may increase your mental stability with happiness and cheerfulness.

  • Adding new habits to a daily schedule

Exercising, drawing, reading, writing, or any other kind of a hobby of your preference could help you spend your spare time more effectively.

Thanks for reading our latest article on anxiety, Reducing Anxiety And Improving Sleep Through The Power Of Music.

Read our latest articles about anxiety, and depression,

If you need professional counselling, you will find these articles worth reading for sure. They are about how psychiatry works, what is used for treatments, and the ways it can help people with mental health issues. Along with the knowledge, you will get a complete Psychiatry guide from BetterHelp.

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Reducing Anxiety And Improving Sleep Through The Power Of Music




Reducing Anxiety And Improving Sleep Through The Power Of Music

Music has a significant effect on our minds. Music styles can be a big influence on a person’s mood quite easily. It can help them feel a range of emotions and various feelings, such as happiness, excitement, sorrow, and calmness.

Making music may also be as effective as listening to music. Music therapy helps people to make the music they find helpful to them consciously. It offers a simple way to improve sleep hygiene, improving the ability to sleep quickly, and feeling more rested.

Undoubtedly, music can help you feel relaxed and calm in bed. This article will explain what anxiety is, why sleep is important, music therapy, and soothing music for reducing anxiety and better sleep.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, like fear or worry, which can be mild or severe. This condition is associated with the anticipation of a potential problem and demonstrates avoidance behavior.Fear is pretty commonly associated with a fight or flight reaction – either staying to fight or fleeing to avoid danger.

At some point in life, everybody has feelings of anxiety. In day to day life, sometimes things get difficult at work, school, or our personal lives. Because of this, we might become stressed and anxious. In situations like these, it can be perfectly natural to feel anxious.

It can be beneficial in some situations as well. Yet, some people find it hard to manage their concerns.

That is because their anxious feelings are more constant, and the feelings can also influence their everyday lives. Symptoms of anxiety disorders can interfere with your life in a variety of ways. It can get worse over time.

Why Is Sleep Important?

Sleep is essential for keeping well, for leading a happy and healthy life. Getting sufficient quality sleep during appropriate hours can safeguard your mental health, physical health, and quality of life. The sleeping requirements of each individual can vary. Most healthy adults are made for 16 hours of wakefulness and need 8 hours of sleep a night. Some people function fine without sleepiness or drowsiness after only 6 hours of sleep.

During sleep your body recharges, supports physical health, and maintains healthy brain functioning. For children and teens, sleep plays a major role in development, growth, and fitness. Sleep deficiency can harm you over time or cause severe physical damage. It can greatly impact the ability to think, respond, understand, work, and get along with others.

What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy uses music to help people achieve individualized goals within a therapeutic partnership through a certified therapist. The licensed music therapists are typically professional musicians with extensive knowledge of how music can help to calm or inspire people.

Music therapists use how a person reacts to and interacts with music to support positive emotional and mental improvements. Music therapy involves different ways of listening to music and making music from multiple instruments. Performance may include singing, dancing, or moving to music. It is useful in developing self-awareness, communication skills, autonomy, focus, and attention skills, as well as enhanced trust.

Music therapy can be used to treat all types of patients and people. Moreover, music therapy has proven benefits for memory, coordination, reading, comprehension, and math skills. It can also obtain lessons in responsibility, perseverance, and determination. On the other hand, music therapy helps people express themselves creatively, which can be more fun than voicing difficult feelings.

Using Soothing Music for Anxiety

Music may have an effect on the emotions as well as the body. Faster music will make you more alert and have better concentration. Upbeat music will make your life feel much happier and more positive. A slower tempo will silence your mind and alleviate your muscles and soothe you.

Recent research suggests that music written about 60 beats per minute can help people sync with the rhythm. It can cause the brain to produce alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves can be seen when we are relaxed and conscious.

Many types of research show that music therapy may minimize anxiety. Some studies also indicate that music can reduce blood pressure and pulse rate. It has a direct effect on how anxious a person feels.

The number of stress hormones released into the body such as adrenaline and cortisol changes based on music. Some music can help reduce these hormones. There is also evidence that individuals attending music therapy directly after the session decreased anxiety. This suggests that music therapy may be a convenient way to alleviate symptoms rapidly.

Using Soothing Music for a Better Sleep

Parents know that lullabies and soothing rhythms can improve babies’ sleep. Science promotes that all ages, from premature babies to elementary school students, sleep better after listening to calming music. Luckily, kids are not the only individuals that can benefit from lullabies before bed at night.

Many people experience improved sleep while listening to relaxing music. Researchers found that adults who had 45 minutes of music played before bed reported better sleep from the first day. Using music can help a person fall asleep quicker. In a study, women with insomnia played an album of their choice for ten nights when getting into bed.

Before listening to music, the time taken to fall asleep was 27 to 69 minutes, but after listening to music, the time was reduced to 13 to 27 minutes. Playing music before bed helps with sleep, often leading to more time spent sleeping.

Improved sleep efficiency creates less disturbance during the night and more consistent rest. Several studies indicate that music impacts sleep by affecting levels of hormones such as cortisol.

Stress and high levels of cortisol result in low-quality sleep and alertness. Listening to music lessens the amount of cortisol in our bodies, making us feel calmer and less stressed out. Many individuals with poor sleep feel depressed and unable to relax in their bedrooms. Music can alleviate anxiety by distracting the mind from distressing thoughts.

Of course, music plays a huge role in calming the body and mind and helps people to fall asleep.

Thanks for reading our latest article on anxiety, Reducing Anxiety And Improving Sleep Through The Power Of Music.

Read our latest articles about anxiety, and depression,

If you have been considering going for counselling or therapy for a long time, you might be confused about what your options are. First, try this article on What Should I Look For In A Local Psychiatrist Near Me? from BetterHelp for a better understanding.

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How To Help Someone With Depression During COVID-19




How To Help Someone With Depression During COVID-19

Depression can be a life changing condition for those who experience it, as well as those trying to help them. There is no doubt that COVID is playing a significant role in mental health among the general public.

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown are causing stress to people with depression. They must maintain a proper treatment plan. During this pandemic, hopelessness and desperation can feel overwhelming. It might be hard for friends and relatives of depressed people to know what to do for them. To understand how best to help those who might be feeling depressed during this challenging period, keep reading.

Identifying Depression

Stress, concern, and the overwhelming loss of work, money, and health can cause depression for the first time. Those causes can worsen depression if you have a preexisting condition. If you’re depressed, life can seem sad and hopeless. It can make you feel weak, drain your energy, and make it hard to get through each day. Depression may contribute to low motivation to look after ourselves. It can cause unhealthy behaviors such as skipping meals, not doing any exercise, using alcohol and cigarettes, and sleeping inadequately. Regardless of the difficulties you’re facing, these techniques will help you relieve negative thoughts, boost your mood, and cope with depression symptoms.

How Is The Pandemic Affecting Those Suffering From Depression?

According to scientific research, outbreaks of contagious diseases have a significant influence on mental health. The fear of the unknown surrounding coronavirus will indeed result in people facing a pandemic without vaccination. The fear is leaving them nervous, stressed, and depressed.

Clearly, during pandemics such as SARS, people’s mental health was seriously affected. Study findings from Wuhan, China, suggest that the incidence of depression in the COVID-19 outbreak increased by 7%. 17% of participants from another Wuhan study indicated mild-to-severe symptoms of depression. Like coronavirus, the pandemic’s psychological consequences may be more dangerous for people dealing with depression. Having affection, encouragement, and close contact withdrawn from you may lead to depression or exacerbate symptoms.

Months of social distancing and staying at home may make you feel lonely and isolated. Healthy relationships are critical for mental health. Being forced to spend several months in a troubled, miserable, or abusive relationship is worse than being single. It’s normal to think about all the fear and confusion regarding COVID-19. During periods of crisis, these worries can trigger panic and anxiety. Similarly, anxiety and depression arise from the same biological weakness; one may sometimes contribute to the other.

These tips will be beneficial for you to help someone suffering from depression to manage it during COVID successfully:

Evaluate The Risk Of Suicide Or Injury

If they are having a panic attack, suicidal thoughts, or other crisis, confront the situation first. It is not an issue to complete the evaluation by email or even over the phone. If someone’s life is at risk, call the emergency contact.

Support, Reassure And Provide Information

Your support will give people a purpose in their lives. Educate them that they are having normal emotional responses to the situation. Remind them that help is available, and that they won’t be alone.

Talk, Be Open

Those close to the people struggling from depression need to be prepared to discuss any challenging issue. It is important to emphasize that mental health issues do not prevent a person from loving, caring, and respecting others. Consulting on how to better help people with mental health issues can be challenging for anyone. Suppose you can select the best time and place for the conversation so that everyone is relaxed, calm, and unrushed. Understand that depressed people cannot get over it quickly and be patient.

Prepare The Individual To Take Action

Encourage people to ask for support from friends, relatives, and experts. Healthy eating is beneficial, but you cannot always do it during a pandemic. Help people find the nutritional foods they need. Physical exercise may benefit people with depression, but it cannot be done in isolated areas. Suggest doing some activity together, take virtual walks, or do other things that might appeal, at least a little. Prepare a list of providers for clinical support, including ways to contact them. Many health associations and individual practitioners give online sessions during the pandemic. Speaking to your doctor before consulting with a professional may be a safe way to begin.

Promote Self-Help And Other Support Mechanisms

Self-help strategies and support of family, friends, and religious communities can make a difference to how someone reacts to depression. There are other self-care techniques besides medicine that can help with depression. Self-care strategies can help manage mental health during this period.

Listen And Offer Advice

Depressed people also experience feelings of self-doubt and anxiety and may even be defensive. If a person is trying to take care of someone with depression, they should expect to face many challenges. Explain that everyone is concerned about the pandemic, but show your concern for them and what has changed. Anybody with emotional or physical problems needs care, and an effective intervention decreases their negative effect on the system.

You can tell this if they say unwell people need support. Sometimes depressed individuals think nothing can be done about it. Tell them that it is possible to treat depression. There are many medications and therapies to cure depression, and they can benefit from them. If the person does not seem to be in mental distress, ask how they are and how long they’ve been like that. Make sure to listen without judgment and show that you care.

Most people are reluctant to get involved in a challenging situation. This is because of fear of doing the wrong thing or of coming across as insensitive. The most crucial thing someone can do on behalf of someone in a situation like this is to display compassion, empathy, and understanding. We invite you to concentrate on your mental health needs. It’s also essential to communicate with your loved ones and find help through technology every day.

Thanks for reading our latest article on depression, How To Help Someone With Depression During COVID-19.

Read our latest articles about anxiety, and depression,

If you are looking for clear guidance to boost your mental health, you should follow psychiatry articles from BetterHelp. They explain How Much A Psychiatrist Costs as we know how valuable money is to you in this time of uncertainty.

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